Tsuda Mayumi
Keio university. Professor

The creation of an online database to publish the results of research into pre-modern Japanese works that combine image and text

This presentation will focus on my decision to publish the results of my survey of the kyōka surimono commissioned by Edo no Hananari in the form of an online database. Nearly all of the 80 surimono I have ascertained so far are in collections in the West with very few remaining in Japan.  Considering the nature of this material, I decided that an online database would be more effective than a publication for communicating the results of my work widely across geographical boundaries and academic fields and for gathering further information. Despite the fact that Hananari was the pen name of Mōri Narimoto, the daimyo of Chōshū province, historians have been unaware of the existence of his surimono because of the scarcity of his work in Japan. Conversely, in the West and amongst art scholars, his true identity remained a mystery for a long time and the importance of these surimono was widely overlooked.  Through making my research known to the Japanese resource specialists at this conference, I hope to gather new information to expand this database further.(http://user.keio.ac.jp/~sakura/hananari/

As far as possible, I have used images that institutions have made publicly available on the internet in order to address the question of how researchers can make use of such resources. The database currently provides an image of each surimono and a transcription of any kyōka and zokuyō, but I aim in the future to provide information that will enable the analysis of both picture and text. In my specialist field of Edo-period literature, many works feature image and text that combine together to convey the intent of their creators. I hope that this database will act as a springboard to help us understand more about this long tradition that can still be seen in manga today.

研究成果発表としてのデータベース作り : 絵と文が混在する日本古典籍資料のために

