NDL Digital Collections and the Digitized Contents Transmission Service

The NDL will hold a web event introducing the NDL Digital Collections and the Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Libraries on March 4 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. JST.
Guest speakers from different libraries will talk about the use of the service at their libraries. A discussion of the service will follow.

This event will be held in Japanese and broadcast via Cisco Webex events.

To register, please send an email to digi-soshin@ndl.go.jp no later than noontime JST on February 26.

Japan Search web event

Japan Search is a national platform for aggregating metadata from digital resources on a wide variety of subjects.
Operated by the NDL, Japan Search incorporates functionality to promote the use of digital content.

The NDL will hold a web event introducing the use of this functionality on March 3 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. JST.
Following an explanation of the functionality by an NDL employee, guest speakers will discuss how to use Japan Search in education, research, and community activities.

Survey: training librarians and researchers in Japanese studies outside Japan (NDL)

Dear Colleagues,

We are conducting a survey on our training plans for librarians and researchers in Japanese studies outside Japan.
Please fill out the survey and inform any relevant colleagues of it.

There are two versions of the questionnaire, Japanese and English.
-Japanese [ https://enquete.ndl.go.jp/697739?lang=ja ] -English [ https://enquete.ndl.go.jp/697739?lang=en ]

Digital Archive Forum for Industry-Academia-Government

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan.

Japan Search <https://jpsearch.go.jp> is a platform for digital resources about Japan from a wide variety of Japanese content makers, where users can search for publications, artwork, movies, and other cultural assets. It was developed and is being promoted by the Japanese Government.

6th Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award

Dear colleagues,

Today I send a Call for Applications for the "6th Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award for International Japanese Studies" on behalf of the Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies.

We wait your submission to the "Kreiner Award" celebrating Professor Emeritus Dr. Josef Kreiner, a former president of the EAJS to encourage overseas scholars of Japanese studies and to contribute to further development in this academic field.

Workshop on Rare Materials for Japanese Studies Librarians and Researchers

The National Diet Library, Japan, is offering a workshop for Japanese Studies Librarians and Researchers held in March 2020 at Tokyo.

This workshop is for librarians, mainly subject librarians, or researchers outside Japan who are expected to engage in reference services or research on Japanese rare materials. The program aims to foster understanding of the rare materials collections owned by the NDL and other research institutions, and to improve skills in utilizing both physical materials and digital content.

Dates: March 2 to March 6, 2020

NDL: Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Libraries

The NDL is now accepting applications from overseas institutions for approval to receive the Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Libraries. Patrons at libraries subscribing to this service will be able to search and browse digitized versions of the more than two million books, periodicals, rare books and old materials that comprise the NDL Digital Collections, including about half a million materials which are also available on the website.

Job Opening at the Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies (HIJAS)

The Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies (HIJAS) would like to invite applications, following the below procedure, for the post of Fixed-Term Full-time Researcher.

Detailed information is available on the official website of the HIJAS:

Waseda goes global

Waseda goes global: a plan to build a worldwide academic network that is open, dynamic and diverse
スーパーグローバル大学創成支援「Waseda Ocean構想」

フランク・ホーレー研究の基盤と展望 ― 遺品資料活動の未来像

ワークショップ フランク・ホーレー研究の基盤と展望 ― 遺品資料活動の未来像

日時:2019年1月25日(金) 16:30~18:15
会場:戸山キャンパス33号館16階 第10会議室
講演者:横山學 早稲田大学招聘研究員(ノートルダム清心女子大学名誉教授)
講演タイトル:「フランク・ホーレー研究の基盤と展望 ―遺品資料活用の未来像」
